Credit costs money! If you give credit to your suppliers, you need to ensure that this facility helps you to increase sales whilst not negatively impacting on your cash flow. Below are some statements we have heard from our Clients during our initial consultations.

“My Debtors list is causing serious cash flow problems”

“I have a credit facility but I’m not really confident that its working too well”

“I’m not sure where my Credit Facility is going wrong”

“We went to Court to get paid in the past but were really exposed”

If any of these above statements resonate with you then we can help.

Going to court can be a daunting and expensive experience. Being prepared is essential and can help avert the need to do this in the first place. Having a robust Credit Policy and processes also facilitate successful Court outcomes.

  • We review the credit function within your business from pre-sales to collections with surgical precision.
  • From this review, we assist with the development, and more importantly, the implementation of a bespoke Credit Policy and effective procedural tools.
  • This Policy is built on best practice which reduces the risk of bad debt and enhances the efficient and profitable running of your business.
  • We also work with your credit team to advance their work practices and help empower them with the skills necessary to improve your cash flow.